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WV PEEP 2024 has successfully concluded, but please
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The West Virginia Alcohol Beverage Control Administration (WVABCA) in conjunction with Community Connections Inc., and with funding from the National Alcohol Beverage Control Association (NABCA) is holding their 4th annual Alcohol, Prevention, Enforcement, Education, and Policy (PEEP) conference. The conference will address issues related to alcohol and other substance use and misuse. Law enforcement, educators, community health specialists, prevention coordinators and other key stakeholders are invited to join the WVABCA to learn more about these issues and effective strategies to make West Virginia communities a safe place to live, work and raise a family.
**Approved for SW, LPC, WVCBAPP, and LEPS continuing education hours.**

Featured Speakers
Commissioner Fred Wooton
WV Alcohol Beverage Control Administration
Israel Marrow
National Liquor Law Enforcement Association
Margaret Barchine
National Alcohol Beverage Control Association
Commissioner Greg Puckett
Mercer County, WV
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